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Faculty Invited to Apply for Paid Positions Co-Teaching Sustainability Courses

By January 10, 2018September 29th, 2020No Comments

Post contributed by Dr. Nanette Chadwick, Director of Academic Sustainability Programs

Academic Sustainability Programs invites applications from faculty members in all academic units, to co-teach in our interdisciplinary courses in sustainability during the 2018-19 academic year.

Each of our courses typically is co-taught by a team of 4 or more faculty members from diverse disciplines, with an effort to pair faculty with technical/scientific expertise, together with those having expertise in the social sciences/liberal arts. These courses are taken by students pursuing the Minor in Sustainability Studies, and they draw also non-minor students from all 9 undergraduate colleges across campus.

Academic Sustainability Programs will pay $4,000 (plus applicable benefits) per course, to each instructor’s department. Budget transfers will be made to the instructor’s department, which then can be used by the department to buy out part of the instructor’s regular teaching load, or to pay the instructor as additional compensation for teaching an overload. Instructors must obtain permission in advance to co-teach, from their department heads.

To view further information about these courses, and to submit an application, please peruse the Academic Sustainability Programs website.

Applications are currently being reviewed to co-teach during the academic year 2018-19; the process will remain open until all positions are filled.

Contact for further information:

Dr. Nanette Chadwick

Director of Academic Sustainability Programs

Office of Undergraduate Studies, Provost Office




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