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Sustainability Capstone Waste Audit

Students from the Sustainability 5000 Capstone class will be performing a trash audit of the Lower Quad residential halls on Cater Lawn. The students will be sorting trash, measuring the contamination rate, and measuring how much waste is produced in these residential halls. This event will help Auburn University’s Waste…
March 3, 2023
Farm Journal Foundation Logo

Farm Journal Foundation Speaker Series

In developing countries, 40 percent of food losses occur at post-harvest and processing levels. In industrialized countries, more than 40 percent of losses happen at retail and consumer levels. Creating solutions for food waste is a challenge that requires navigating complex landscapes of income disparities, cultural and societal practices, and…
September 19, 2022
Guest PostsSDG12

Once is Not Enough. Recycle.

By Joan Hicken. Colorful illustration of the three Rs – reduce, reuse and recycle. Living sustainably is about making small changes. It is important to remember the three Rs – reduce, reuse and recycle. Practicing them will reduce the amount of waste you produce. Adopting these habits now will set…
August 9, 2021

Meetings Happen: Make A Difference in Yours

Recently our office received an anonymous request to crack down on the overprinting of materials for meetings on campus. Apparently, this person’s office prints the agenda and all the PowerPoint slides for taking notes with a cover sheet to divide each presenters’ notes. In the end, the packets end up…
Jen Morse
January 8, 2020

Co-Creating a Sustainable Economy–Our Conference Takeaways

Here in the Office of Sustainability, the goal of our internship program is to transform our student interns into sustainability practitioners who are equipped to lead others in solving the sustainability challenges our world is facing. One of the most powerful professional development experiences we provide is the opportunity to…
November 11, 2019
Sustainability in ActionUpdates

Campus Changemaker: Mike Stover

Post Contributed by Taylor Kraabel, Office of Sustainability Employee Engagement Coordinator For the past five and a half years, Mike Stover has worked as the Assistant Director for Employer Relations in the Office of Professional and Career Development in the Raymond J. Harbert College of Business. In other words, Mike…
October 26, 2019
Guest Posts

Protecting the Quarterback & Protecting our Earth

Offensive lineman Marquel Harrell knows he has an important job when he lines up on the field: protecting the quarterback. That’s a job he puts his heart and soul into, but there is another job he considers equally important off the field: protecting our earth. “I do my part by…
September 5, 2019