Post contributed by Sarah Castaneda, Public Relations Communications, and Marketing Major, Honors College Intern As The Honors College k(no)w poverty? Week of Service nears its sixth year, it’s important to consider the impact it has made on both Auburn’s campus, and the state of Alabama alike. The program, exclusively available to incoming…
adminFebruary 6, 2019
“The human voice: It's the instrument we all play. It's the most powerful sound in the world, probably.” Julian Treasure Our words matter. They carry power and have an impact. The question is, how do we use our voices and what kind of a difference, positive or negative, do our…
Mike KenslerSeptember 27, 2018
Post contributed by Dane Block, President, Student Government Association The most unique aspect to our great University is the people that work for and call Auburn home. This wide range of individuals spans from the community that surrounds the campus, the students themselves, as well as faculty and administration. Diving…
adminSeptember 27, 2018