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Guest PostsUpdates

Take Only Pictures, Leave Only Bubbles

Contributed by Kaitlyn Baker, ASI Divemaster, Auburn University Alumna ‘18 Auburn students Randall Dunlap and Kelly Burnham SCUBA diving is an amazing opportunity to discover the world below sea level. With the ocean covering the majority of the earth, there is so much to explore. Ocean life dates to the…
April 12, 2019
Sustainability in ActionUpdates

Sustainability in Action: Rachel Preuit

Like many advocates of sustainability, Rachel Preuit’s interest began as a child when she went on a camping trip with her family every summer. Through these trips, she began to appreciate the beauty of nature and develop respect for natural systems and the outdoors. Upon coming to Auburn for college,…
January 26, 2017

Sustainability Award Nominations are Open through February 9th

Do you know someone or a group of people who are making significant contributions toward sustainability? If so, please nominate them for a Spirit of Sustainability Award! All students, faculty, staff, and/or alumni of Auburn University are eligible to be nominated. Accomplishments can be from any or all points on…
February 3, 2016

Button, Button, Who’s Got the Green Game Button?

Lots of folks have the AU Goes Green Game button! This Saturday’s Green Game highlights sustainability initiatives in Athletics and gives fans a chance to help support Auburn as it aims to be the #1 Gameday recycler in the SEC. To show support of this year’s Green Game, collaborators from…
Jen Morse
October 2, 2015
Sustainability in ActionUpdates

Sustainability In Action: Trey McDonald

Over the past decade, anthropogenic climate change has garnered huge amounts of attention, and for good reason. As average global temperatures increase, so does the number of people working to adapt to unavoidable changes and prevent the worst from happening.  Trey McDonald, Auburn alumnus, 2014 Spirit of Sustainability Award winner,…
March 5, 2015

Nominations Open for the Spirit of Sustainability Awards

The Office of Sustainability is now accepting nominations for the 2015 Spirit of Sustainability Awards.  Students, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni may be nominated for an award either individually or as a group.  Self-nominations will also be accepted.  Nominations must be submitted to the Sustainability Office by close of business…
January 14, 2015