Contributed by Dr. Nanette Chadwick, Director of Academic Sustainability Programs
Academic Sustainability Programs is delighted to announce the hiring of our first-ever full-time instructor for core courses in AU’s sustainability program. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Miriam Wyman, who will teach all sections of SUST 2000 Introduction to Sustainability during both fall and spring semesters, as well as join a senior faculty member in co-teaching SUST 5000 Senior Capstone in Sustainability each spring.
The structure of both courses will remain essentially the same, and SUST 2000 will continue to include a variety of guest lecturers, small discussion sections, and tours of sustainability-related campus features.
Dr. Wyman comes to us with a wealth of experience and expertise related to sustainability issues. She has served for the past several years as a course instructor in AU’s College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, where she has taught popular elective courses in the Minor in Sustainability Studies, such as FOWS 4310 Ecotourism, FOWS 2033 Introduction to Environmental Education, and co-taught NATR 2050 People and the Environment. Before that, Dr. Wyman earned her Ph.D. from the University of Florida in the area of human dimensions of natural resource conservation with an emphasis on community-based ecotourism and conservation in the tropics and gained teaching experience at Utah State University. She has published a wide array of scholarly articles relating to social and environmental issues.
We look forward to Dr. Wyman joining our team as of Fall semester, and to further growing our academic program based on her development of new ideas for teaching our courses!
Congratulations, Miriam, and congratulations Auburn, great step in the right direction!