by Zach Kalish
Picture yourself suspended underwater, sitting upside-down in a blue abyss. Losing your breath, you lean forward and reach for the open air past your legs. Suddenly, your torso lunges backwards and your boat flips upright into the sunlight. Here, you are greeted with cheers and a breath of fresh air. To one, this experience may seem otherworldly. However, for members of Auburn University’s Whitewater Kayaking Club, it marks just another practice roll session in the university’s swimming pool.

Photo credit: Zach Kalish.
Whether in the tame waters of the pool or the rushing whitecaps of the Upper Chattahoochee, members of the Whitewater Kayaking Club take to their boats to add adventure to their fulfilling
college experience. On any nice-weather weekend, you’ll find these students cruising through rapids and exchanging banter along flat water. Now you may be thinking, “what could be satisfying about being dunked underwater?” Apart from the exercise-induced endorphins and exposure to natural beauty, the confidence boost one receives from facing a rapid head-on is truly unparalleled. Ask any kayaker about their weekend and you’ll be met with a huge smile and an interesting story.

Photo credit: Zach Kalish.
The student leaders of Auburn’s Whitewater Kayaking Club are some of the most careful and professional teachers around. Whether taking the time to workshop your kayak roll or explaining how to rent a kayak from Auburn Outdoors, these leaders instill each club member with a sense of security and encouragement every step of the way. Auburn Outdoors, Auburn University’s outdoor recreation program, constantly points curious students to the club’s ever- growing community. This community brings a unique sport to the college experience. The members of the Whitewater Kayaking Club have come to love the water and are passionate about sharing their experience with anyone they can, making Auburn University the best place to join the sport of whitewater kayaking.
The Whitewater Kayaking Club has pool sessions every other Tuesday. Contact Caroline Cantrell at cmc0214@auburn.eduto learn more about joining the whitewater kayaking community at Auburn University.
Zach Kalish works for Auburn Outdoors.
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