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Dining Goes Greener

By August 29, 2019February 3rd, 2022No Comments

Post contributed by Gwen Ward, Campus Dining

“Reduce, reuse, recycle” is the first thing we’re taught about creating and maintaining a sustainable world.  In our very earliest years, we’re taught that we are responsible for the impact we make.

At Campus Dining, we’re diligently working to minimize the impact we have on the environment.  Last year, we opened two new dining halls – places where students dine using reusable plates, cups, and flatware – eliminating quite a bit of paper waste.  This is great for all those times you’re able to hang out in the dining hall and enjoy a meal with friends, but what if you need to get to class or meet up with some friends to study? Last year, your only option was a disposable container.

Reusable To Go ContainerThis year, we’re proud to introduce our reusable to-go containers!  These boxes are literally GREEN.  They’re colored green and they greatly reduce the amount of disposable waste coming out of our dining halls.  These boxes also hold a full meal’s worth of healthy foods from the Foy Commons or Village Tiger Zone buffets.  When you need a good meal on the go, we’ve got you covered!

Every student who has purchased a block meal plan receives a free reusable to-go container.  Simply stop by the dining hall and pick yours up.  If you don’t want to use one immediately, we’ll give you a tracker that you can turn in for your to-go container the next time you want to use one.  Can you get a reusable to go container if you haven’t purchased block meal plan?  Absolutely!  A one-time $5 fee (payable with your dining funds) will allow you to use these containers as well.  Return your container or your tracker each time you want another to-go container.

If you have any questions about this program or Campus Dining’s other sustainability initiatives, give us a call:  334-844-8504 or email

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