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Auburn University’s United States Green Building Council Chapter

Post contributed by Laura Young, Undergraduate Student, College of Human Sciences, Interior Design and USGBC Chapter President Laura works to incorporate sustainability into her coursework in Interior Design. I have been hearing the word “sustainability” since my first day of class at Auburn. As an interior design student, the term…
February 27, 2017
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Sustainable Design & Construction of Capital Projects on Campus

Post contributed by: Jim Carroll, University Architect, Facilities Management  In April 2013, Governor Robert Bentley signed Executive Order Number 39. This Order, based upon a very specific goal related to the use of locally-forested wood products effectively removed our ability to manage the design processes of Auburn University Capital Projects, using the…
February 27, 2017
Guest PostsUpdates

Application Deadline Extended for Faculty Sustainability Workshop

Post contributed by Dr. Nanette Chadwick, Director of Academic Sustainability Programs Apply for the Summer 2017 Fall Line Project and Faculty Awards “Green Curriculum, Green Campus, Green City” Extended Application Deadline: February 28, 2017 Is this the year for you? Faculty enjoying a social break during the Fall Line Project. Faculty are invited…
January 31, 2017
Guest PostsUpdates

Integrating Sustainable Practices and Career Exploration

Post contributed by the Auburn University Career Center The Auburn University Career Center actively supports sustainability through their comprehensive services which assist students with exploring careers, networking with employers and professionals, and successfully transitioning from college to career. The Career Center, located in Mary Martin Hall or found online at,…
January 26, 2017
Guest PostsSDG7Updates

Marine Renewable Energy & the Environment

Post contributed by Matt Preisser, Office of Sustainability Intern Last summer I had the opportunity to work at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Seattle, Washington as a part of the Department of Energy’s Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program. For 10 weeks, I worked in the Coastal Science Division…
January 23, 2017
Guest PostsUpdates

My Time in the Waste Reduction & Recycling Department

Post contributed by Lindsay Souders, Undergraduate Student, Environmental Design and Sustainability Studies Lindsay takes a break on the beach from her campus studies and work. From a very early age I was taught in school how important it is to take care of the environment. I have carried this discipline…
January 23, 2017
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The Plight of Producers

Post contributed by Hallie Nelson, Office of Sustainability Intern Part 1: Farmers Food movements are a staple of modern sustainable lifestyles, but many of these movements focus on the consumers. What about the people who work to produce the food in America? In many cases, the producers in America, whether…
January 10, 2017
Guest PostsUpdates

The Importance of Biodiversity and Organic Food Production

Post contributed by Jonathan Lillebo, Undergraduate Student, College of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture & President, Organic Garden Club I’d like to begin by taking you back to a different time, a time before refrigeration and food transportation. It wasn’t that long ago, really. As recently as the early 1900s all…
January 6, 2017