Post Contributed by Dr. Nanette Chadwick, Director of Academic Sustainability Programs
Is this the year for you?
An invitation to the Summer 2017 Fall Line Project and Faculty Awards
“Green Curriculum, Green Campus, Green City”
Faculty are invited to enhance your teaching and engagement with environmental and social issues by participating in the 8th year of the Fall Line Project, May 9-10, 2017. The Fall Line Project is modeled after a program that has drawn national attention for its innovative approach to curricular change, and it has been an intellectually stimulating and collegial experience for Auburn faculty from diverse academic units across campus. To date, over 100 faculty from 30 departments on campus have participated in this workshop.
Skeptics, environmentalists, and those in between have found their various perspectives welcomed and enriched by the dialogue and the project activities.
Are you thinking about developing a new course or new modules in an existing course? How about incorporating environmental or social sustainability issues?
This workshop will explore how we can meaningfully integrate sustainability – broadly defined – into our classrooms. Though we start by taking a close look at Auburn and the larger Eastern Alabama region, we invite participants to engage in local/global comparisons. Alumni from previous workshops will facilitate and catalyze discussion of a green curriculum and its integration and role in the broader community.
Participants will receive an award of $500 upon successful completion of a new or revised syllabus, and will join in a fieldtrip and discussions that will offer opportunities to extend research and teaching horizons across disciplines, and create new networks with fellow colleagues. For further information and examples of past syllabi, see the workshop website.
Preference for participation will be given to instructors who plan to revise or develop a course that will be taught during the 2017-18 academic year. The sustainability content of the revised course must be such that it is potentially eligible for inclusion as an elective for the Minor in Sustainability Studies.
Fall Line Project participants agree to:
(1) Read some materials prior to the workshop
(2) Participate in the 2-day workshop, May 9-10, 2017
(3) Prepare a revised or new course syllabus and submit it in August
(4) Report back to the group during follow-up in the 2017-18 academic year
To apply, submit the application form.
Please send completed application forms to:
Dr. Nanette Chadwick
Director of Academic Sustainability Programs