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Auburn University Outreach Logo

Virtual Volunteer Fair

This event will provide an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to connect with local nonprofit organizations virtually. The Office of Public Service noticed an increase in volunteer needs from agencies, fueling its desire to revolutionize the way it creates events for students on campus. The Virtual Volunteer Fair will…
September 12, 2022
Auburn University Logo

Give Back on the Green

Service Programs at Auburn University will be hosting their 2nd Annual Give Back on the Green on the Campus Green. This is a combined event with the five service student activity organizations housed in Student Involvement. This event will be a collaborative event offering students and guests the opportunity to…
August 29, 2022

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Discussion

The panel is composed of returned Peace Corps volunteers from multiple sectors and host countries. At this panel, you can: Learn about volunteer experiences Ask questions about service Gain tips about how to guide you through the application process For more information or if you are in need of accommodations,…
March 21, 2022

Black Student Union & Alternative Student Break Day of Service

Every year, Auburn's Alternative Student Breaks (ASB) and Black Student Union (BSU) collaborate on a day of service and education to celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This year, due to COVID-19, there are on-campus and remote options for our MLK Day of Service. All participants must register…
January 12, 2022
Invasive Plant Removal

Invasive Plant Removal at Kreher Preserve & Nature Center

The Kreher Preserve and Nature Center needs your help to remove invasive plants in order to prepare the area for an upcoming Tree Planting Event. Volunteers will learn why invasive plants need to be removed, learn to identify invasives, and then work alongside trained individuals to properly remove common invasives…
Jen Morse
October 27, 2021

Tree Planting

AU Facilities Management Landscape Services is looking for 20 volunteers to help participate in a City/Extension partnered project to provide free native trees for property owners who remove invasive tree species. They have already removed over 100 exotic invasive trees on campus and need help to plant the new 100…
October 26, 2020