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Building Community in Switzerland

By Becki Retzlaff I am writing this blog from the beautiful city of Bern, Switzerland, where I am attending an academic conference on environmental history. It is poetic that I am tasked with writing a blog about the society point of the sustainability compass from Bern, a city with a…
September 1, 2023
AASHE member logo

Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education – Day 3

Join the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education for the Annual Conference on Sustainability. This year's theme is "The Urgency of Now!" The tracks available are: Campus Operations, Culture & Communications, Emerging Issues, Governance & Administration, Public Outreach & Engagement, Racial Equity & Social Justice, Student Organizing…
September 28, 2022
AASHE member logo

Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education – Day 2

Join the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education for the Annual Conference on Sustainability. This year's theme is "The Urgency of Now!" The tracks available are: Campus Operations, Culture & Communications, Emerging Issues, Governance & Administration, Public Outreach & Engagement, Racial Equity & Social Justice, Student Organizing…
September 28, 2022
AASHE member logo

Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education – Day 1

Join the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education for the Annual Conference on Sustainability. This year's theme is "The Urgency of Now!" The tracks available are: Campus Operations, Culture & Communications, Emerging Issues, Governance & Administration, Public Outreach & Engagement, Racial Equity & Social Justice, Student Organizing…
September 28, 2022
Farm Journal Foundation Logo

Farm Journal Foundation Speaker Series

In developing countries, 40 percent of food losses occur at post-harvest and processing levels. In industrialized countries, more than 40 percent of losses happen at retail and consumer levels. Creating solutions for food waste is a challenge that requires navigating complex landscapes of income disparities, cultural and societal practices, and…
September 19, 2022
SDG4Sustainability in Action

Campus Changemaker: Becki Retzlaff

By Grace Reilein. When was the last time you rode a bike to work? Yesterday? Every day this week? How about for the last 25 years? Becki Retzlaff falls in that final group, and as the newest Director of the Academic Sustainability Program, it could not be more fitting. Becki…
August 10, 2022
Sustainability Picnic Logo with a Green Tree Design and a Heart on a Leaf

Sustainability Picnic

Discover the breadth of sustainability at Auburn while you enjoy free local vegetarian food samples, fun, door prizes, and music!  Connect with student groups, programs, and opportunities that make a difference. Meet representatives from the cosponsors: the Academic Sustainability Program, the College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment, the Donald E. Davis Arboretum,…
Jen Morse
May 10, 2022

Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Join the Auburn University Department of Geosciences and the Citizen's Climate Lobby for a free film showing to enjoy climate change and sustainability related short films! The event will take place at the Science Classroom Center Auditorium on April 27th from 6:30-8:30.
April 25, 2022