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Director's CornerSDG16SDG8

Ecology + Democracy = Sustainability

“A healthy democracy is as dependent on public life as a healthy ecosystem is dependent on clean air and water: in the absence of an engaged public, democracy begins to die, and some form of oligarchy (government by the few) emerges to take its place.” ~ Parker Palmer, Healing the Heart…
Mike Kensler
September 24, 2024
AnnouncementsGuest Posts

New AU Course on Personal Resilience & Sustainability

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" ~Mary Oliver, A Summer's Day Academic Sustainability Programs is offering this semester a new 1-credit course, SUST 4900 Personal Resilience and Sustainability. This course arose out of an understanding among our sustainability instructors that…
December 19, 2019