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“Teacher Making” with The Jule

Join The Jule for the 2025 Auburn Forum for Southern Art and Culture as they examine the environmental and educational intersections of art and craft found in their production, presentation and instruction. Investigate the impact of pedagogical locus on creative labor and learning through presentations and discussions about craft, architecture…
January 21, 2025
Auburn Univsersity Office of Inclusion and Diversity

Diversity in the Workplace

This is a panel discussion on the importance of diversity in the workplace, within all industries.  Each panelist will represent different industries and provide insight into what diversity looks like from their perspective.
September 22, 2022
SDG4Sustainability in Action

Campus Changemaker: Becki Retzlaff

By Grace Reilein. When was the last time you rode a bike to work? Yesterday? Every day this week? How about for the last 25 years? Becki Retzlaff falls in that final group, and as the newest Director of the Academic Sustainability Program, it could not be more fitting. Becki…
August 10, 2022
Guest PostsSDGSDG4

Where, How, & Why We Learn: Promises of Whole School Sustainability

By Lisa Kensler. Sustainable Development Goal 4 calls for ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. The targets speak to addressing every aspect of education from equity and teacher quality to facilities and curricula. The systemic challenges facing education and those of us striving to improve it – whether…
August 24, 2021

Growing Opportunities at the Dudley Rain Garden

Post contributed by Kenzley Defler, Office of Sustainability Intern In the spring of 2013, Professor Charlene LeBleu worked with students from the Landscape Architecture and Building Science programs to design and implement a rain garden outside of Dudley Hall, a project funded by AU Facilities Management and a grant from…
April 4, 2018

Conference Has Something for Everyone

Post contributed by Taylor Craft, Office of Sustainability Intern Aubie with Keynote Speaker, David Orr For a few days each year since 2006, folks from all over North America have come together to discuss one thing – sustainability.  This year the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)…
November 3, 2015
Guest PostsUpdates

Sustainability is Now in the Core Curriculum

Post contributed by Dr. Nanette Chadwick, Director of Academic Sustainability Programs, Office of the Provost Last spring, I submitted an application to the Core Curriculum Committee (CCC) of Auburn University, for SUST 2000 Introduction to Sustainability, to become a Social Sciences option in the core curriculum. After discussion with the…
September 30, 2015