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Alabama Farming

Guest Posts

Considerations of Sustainability in Agriculture

Sustainability is something that has received an increasing amount of attention. Any idea/product/business/practice can be great but if it cannot sustain over time, its ability to survive and make an impact is small. Production agriculture as a whole has to be sustainable otherwise, at some point, we as humans would…
September 30, 2019
Guest PostsUpdates

Transforming Farming Practices in Alabama & Beyond

Post contributed by Courtney Edwards, Auburn Global Nelson outside with laptop Growing up on a farm on the outskirts of Nairobi Kenya, Nelson Muthanji fell in love with nature and farm life at a young age. With a sparkle in his eyes, he described his childhood home where chicken coops…
February 6, 2019

Fed by Families

My grandad checking in on his Angus cattle. When I was about seven years old, my cousin and I wrote our names in the dirt one summer day while watching my grandad bale hay. Later that day when we asked if he had seen our masterpieces he smiled and said,…
November 4, 2015