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Guest PostsUpdates

Finding My Green Thumb

Post contributed by Diana Rowell, Office of Sustainability Intern Sustainability. That’s a big word. A word that carries the weight of worldwide change. A passionate word, a futuristic word, a word that makes people share their opinions. As an engineer, sometimes it is difficult to align myself with sustainability without…
March 27, 2017

Would You Love to Make a Difference as a Part of Our Team?

Our 2016-17 interns pause for a brief photo while exploring Baltimore at the 2016 AASHE conference. The Auburn University Office of Sustainability is offering unpaid student internship opportunities for the 2017-18 school year beginning with the Fall semester in August. Students interested in or passionate about sustainability, who want to…
February 28, 2017
Sustainability in ActionUpdates

Sustainability in Action: Norbert Lechner

Post contributed by Kenzley Defler, Office of Sustainability Intern In the culture of today’s world, most people enter numerous buildings every day. We spend about 90% of our time inside buildings.  We leave our houses and go to school or work. We shop at grocery stores, workout in gyms, and…
February 27, 2017
Guest PostsUpdates

Auburn University’s United States Green Building Council Chapter

Post contributed by Laura Young, Undergraduate Student, College of Human Sciences, Interior Design and USGBC Chapter President Laura works to incorporate sustainability into her coursework in Interior Design. I have been hearing the word “sustainability” since my first day of class at Auburn. As an interior design student, the term…
February 27, 2017
Guest PostsUpdates

Sustainable Design & Construction of Capital Projects on Campus

Post contributed by: Jim Carroll, University Architect, Facilities Management  In April 2013, Governor Robert Bentley signed Executive Order Number 39. This Order, based upon a very specific goal related to the use of locally-forested wood products effectively removed our ability to manage the design processes of Auburn University Capital Projects, using the…
February 27, 2017
Guest PostsUpdates

Application Deadline Extended for Faculty Sustainability Workshop

Post contributed by Dr. Nanette Chadwick, Director of Academic Sustainability Programs Apply for the Summer 2017 Fall Line Project and Faculty Awards “Green Curriculum, Green Campus, Green City” Extended Application Deadline: February 28, 2017 Is this the year for you? Faculty enjoying a social break during the Fall Line Project. Faculty are invited…
January 31, 2017
Sustainability in ActionUpdates

Sustainability in Action: Rachel Preuit

Like many advocates of sustainability, Rachel Preuit’s interest began as a child when she went on a camping trip with her family every summer. Through these trips, she began to appreciate the beauty of nature and develop respect for natural systems and the outdoors. Upon coming to Auburn for college,…
January 26, 2017