By Patrick Johnston
Auburn University offers multiple resources to employees and their dependents to help sustain and enhance their physical, psychological, and emotional health. The website, thrive!, features many of these resources. A couple of examples are featured below.
Employees are encouraged to check out the content from Uprise, our employee assistance provider. The Uprise website includes articles, videos, and special webinars on a variety of topics. For example, the webinar for August focused on “Engaging Empathy in the Workplace.” Other scheduled webinars include:
- September – “Involvement and Engagement”
- October – “Master Your Spending”
- November – “Supporting a Loved One with Substance Misuse”
- December – “Relaxation Rx”
For more information on Uprise, visit and use the access code “AUBURN” to get started.
Grief eLearning Courses
Auburn’s HR Development team has also created several eLearning courses on grief:
- HW500E - A Supervisor’s Guide to Supporting Grieving Employees
- HW501E - How to Support a Grieving Co-worker
- HW502E - Grieving the Death of a Co-worker
- HW503E - Grieving the Loss of a Pet
These courses can be accessed through ElevatED, Auburn’s employee education center.
Email if you have any questions about the mental health wellness resources offered to employees.
Patrick Johnston is a Manager for Auburn University’s Human Resources Administration.
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