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Earth Day Rocks! Ladies’ Climbing Night

Auburn University Recreation and Wellness Center

<span style='font-weight: 400;'>Join us at the climbing wall for Ladies’ Night as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with our friendly mini climbing competition!  All skill levels are welcome! Rules and briefing for the competition will happen day of. As always, Ladies’ Night is a great environment to...

City Market

Town Creek Park , United States

<div class=''page'' title=''Page'><div class=''section''> <div class=''layoutArea''> <div class=''column''> City Market is a fun summer event for the community, growers and consumers alike. All market visitors must maintain a minimum of 6 feet between one another. To allow the maximum number of community members to visit the market, loitering and social...

AU Community Garden Field Day

AU Community Garden

Do you like playing games, winning prizes, and eating pizza? Join the Community Garden for the social distancing Community Garden Field Day! They'll have fun team and individual games for you to compete in to win prizes, like garden supplies &amp; plants. Test your skills at the water balloon toss,...


Kreher Preserve & Nature Center , United States

`Raptors are birds of prey with sharp beaks and powerful talons!  At this program, representatives from Auburn University’s <a href=''>Southeastern Raptor Center</a> will visit the Kreher Preserve &amp; Nature Center to show you some of these incredible birds, up-close and in-person.  The program will include a variety of live raptors, most...

Vet Med to host Southeast Regional Diversity Matters Symposium

<div class='content_row'><div class='content_container'> <div class='article_head clearfix' role='banner'> <div class='article_social'> <div class='addthis_inline_share_toolbox_p86w' data-url='' data-title='Vet Med to host Southeast Regional Diversity Matters Symposium' data-description='The College of Veterinary Medicine will host the Southeast Regional Diversity Matters Symposiumand#8212;a biennial conference featuring topics related to diversity and inclusion in veterinary medicineand#8212;on Aug. 29. This yearand#8217;s...

Citation Management Workshop

Endnote allows participants piants to create and manage bibliographies, citations and references. Participants will learn to: <ul> <li>create and organize an EndNote library.</li> <li>add references to an EndNote library both manually and by using direct export.</li> <li>use the Groups function to organize references.</li> <li>insert and edit citations in a Word...

Productivity Software Workshop

LaTeX allows participants to create technical and scientific documents using mathematical expressions. Participants will learn: <ul> <li>how to set up a basic document in LaTeX.</li> <li>basic commands for equations and mathematical expressions used in LaTeX.</li> </ul> This workshop is led by Liza Weisbrod, music and government documents librarian. <a href=''>Wednesday,...

Mock Interview Days

Practice is a very important part of the interview and the job-seeking process. The University Career Center will host a two-day Mock Interview Day Sept. 8-9 from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. for all currently enrolled students at Auburn University. For Mock Interview Day, industry recruiters and employers are volunteering their time...

Local Archives

2020 and the Future of Alabama History: Local Archives. <a href=''>Co-sponsored by the Alabama Historical Association</a>. Featuring Felisha Anderson (Baldwin County Archives), Dr. Howard Robinson (Alabama State University Archives), and Marty Olliff (Wiregrass Archives at Troy University Dothan Campus). <a href=''>Link to watch</a>

Writing Anxiety Workshop

University Writing is inviting students, faculty and staff to attend its Mindfulness Strategies for Writer’s Block and Writing Anxiety workshop on Wednesday, Sept. 9, from 2-3:30 p.m. via Zoom. A limited number of in-person seats will also be available. Participants who attend the workshops in-person will be required to follow...

Clear Your Mind Game Time

Get away and play some games with SCPS’s Adria Hickson. Games like Charades, Pictionary, or Trivia provide an avenue for us to destress and generate positive energy while interacting with others.<div class='et_pb_row et_pb_row_10'> <div class='et_pb_column et_pb_column_4_4 et_pb_column_20 et_pb_css_mix_blend_mode_passthrough et-last-child'> <div class='et_pb_module et_pb_text et_pb_text_5 et_pb_bg_layout_light et_pb_text_align_left'> <div class='et_pb_text_inner'> <p class='p2'>Join the...

Student Counseling and Psychological Services AM

Join the SCPS staff each day or evening to get the tools to be your best self! Whether you need a charge each morning or some help winding down each evening, SCPS is here for you!