<span style='font-weight: 400;'>Join us at the climbing wall for Ladies’ Night as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with our friendly mini climbing competition! All skill levels are welcome! Rules and briefing for the competition will happen day of. As always, Ladies’ Night is a great environment to learn and try new things in an encouraging atmosphere. Have fun, meet others who enjoy climbing, and enter to win prizes! Ladies' Night will be held at the rock climbing wall on the lower floor of the Recreation Center. Competing is optional, however registration for the evening is required and limited. Registration can be completed via the <a href='https://recreation.auburn.edu/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=2ac4a595-04f9-432c-a36b-32a4f8897df4&semesterId=27d7f58a-2029-4e85-9b24-4ab1e88fdf63' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Recreation & Wellness Center</a>.</span>
<span style='font-weight: 400;'>For more information on this and other related events, please visit the</span><a href='http://sustain.auburn.eduability/earth-month/'> <span style='font-weight: 400;'>Earth Month in Auburn page</span></a><span style='font-weight: 400;'>.</span>
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