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Alabama In-Person Absentee Voting Period

Various Locations

Registered Alabama voters can visit their Absentee Election Manager's office during regular Monday - Friday business hours to request an absentee ballot AND cast their absentee ballot for the 2020 General Election starting today and continuing through October 29.

Nature Walk: Bird Migration

Kreher Preserve & Nature Center

Join the Kreher Preserve and Nature Center for a peaceful morning walk as you take in the many sights and sounds of the Preserve. Nature Walks offer excellent opportunities to socialize and learn, while enjoying fresh air and exercise in our beautiful outdoors.

Hydroponic Vegetable Growing

This webinar is designed to be a primer for understanding what it takes to produce and sell hydroponically grown vegetables. Topics will include: Overview of Hydroponic Industry, Hydroponic Growing Systems, Understanding Fertilizers, Small-scale Hydroponic Production, and The Greenhouse Environment. Webinar will feature Extension Horticulture Professor, Dr. Jeremy Pickens as he...

H2O & A Special Mystery Guest

Kiesel Park

Auburn Parks and Recreation is excited for the return of the Fall Sundown Concert Series this September and October at Kiesel Park. Beginning at 6 p.m., enjoy an evening of music at the park on Thursday nights, Sept. 17, Sept. 24, Oct. 1 and Oct. 8. Bring a blanket, chairs,...