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Summer Ecology Camp & Adventure Camp // Registration Opens

Online Event

The Kreher Preserve & Nature Center Summer Ecology Camp offers the opportunity to learn through nature in a safe and beautiful environment. Campers will experience complete, nature-based lessons covering diverse educational topics; and enjoy exercise and fresh air through hikes and time on the Nature Playground. Summer Ecology Camp is...

UFWH Annual Summit

Online Event

UFWH (Universities Fighting World Hunger) Summit Registration is now OPEN! The 16th Annual UFWH Summit will be held virtually March 25 & 26 under the theme One Health. One Planet. The year 2021 will be about resilience and resurgence, both planetary and human, and our hope is the conference will...

Philosophy hosting biannual roundtable

Online Event

The Philosophy Club’s biannual roundtable is taking place remotely.  The topic is abortion. After short presentations by panelists, the floor will be open for a discussion with the audience.

Bike Parking Count

Office of Sustainability

Join the Auburn University Cycling Advisory Committee as they work to complete the first-ever bicycle parking count on Auburn's main campus.  Volunteers will meet at the Office of Sustainability to get materials and instructions before heading out in pairs to walk a segment of campus and count the number of...

Science Pub

Resting Pulse Brewery 714 1st Avenue, Opelika, AL, United States

The STEM Outreach Center in the College of Sciences and Mathematics at Auburn University has a number of fun science education events scheduled for this fall!  They will host Science Pubs for the community each month this fall. They will also host monthly GUTS (Getting Under The Surface) programs for 1st –...

Draughon Seminars in State & Local History

“Come Now, and Let Us Reason Together”: Cooperative Extension Clubs Empowerment of African American Farm Women and Girls, 1928-1965 with Dr. Shari L. Williams. African American women played a crucial role in the Black Freedom Struggle in the United States, and one significant but overlooked contribution of their leadership development...

AUWRC Water Webinar with Dr. Brenda Ortiz

Putting Smart Irrigation Tools in the Hands of Alabama Stakeholders featuring Dr. Brenda Ortiz Only your name, email, and organization are required to register for this event. The Water Resources Center asks for optional information so they can better understand their effectiveness in serving all Alabama citizens and for reporting...

Electric Vehicle Awareness Event

South College Parking Lot 108 E Samford Ave, Auburn, AL, United States

Join us at the Electric Vehicle Awareness Event and learn how you can enjoy the economical & fun experience of owning an electric vehicle. Come kick the tires and ask questions! Electric vehicles will be brought by actual owners and some auto dealers. This will be an educational event, not a sales...

In The Garden With Cyndi

Kreher Preserve & Nature Center , United States

In The Garden With Cyndi is a fun, casual gardening class for adults where you get to learn tips and tricks, get your hands dirty, and get expert advice on a myriad of gardening techniques and best practices. Cyndi believes that gardening should be all about the enjoyment of your...


EagleCast Webinar Series: Understanding mRNA Technology in Vaccines

Just how new are mRNA vaccines, and how does mRNA technology differ from vaccines of the past? In this informational webinar, participants will gain an understanding of the history and development of mRNA technology and its future potential in vaccines. Specific to COVID-19, vaccine efficacy, side effects, and boosters will...

AUWRC Water Webinar – Dr. Wesley Anderson

Catching Frogs and Trapping Hogs - A Story of Water and Wildlife featuring Dr. Wesley Anderson. Only your name, email, and organization are required to register for this event. The Water Resources Center asks for optional information so they can better understand their effectiveness in serving all Alabama citizens and...