Chris O’Brien of CustomerFirst Renewables (CFR) and Dave Karlsgodt of Brailsford & Dunlavey (formerly Fovea) have been working with campuses for years. Their conversations with sustainability professionals inevitably turn to discussing options for carbon and energy reductions and they have compiled a running list of nearly 50 activities a campus can take to help meet climate goals. They’ve also designed an impact matrix that helps organize projects based on greenhouse gas reduction, economic impact, feasibility, publicity, timeline, and maintenance. Second Nature has partnered with CFR and Brailsford & Dunlavey to launch the <a href=''>Solutions Center</a> – a platform that helps campuses quickly review the solutions available and to help build a presentation for decision makers to more easily assess and prioritize decisions faster in order to accelerate climate action. This webinar is free and open to the public; click <a href=''>here</a> to register.