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Free speech, language and hearing screenings at Speech & Hearing Clinic

Haley Center - Room 1199

<div class=\'article_body\'> The Auburn University Speech and Hearing Clinic is hosting a free speech\, language and hearing screening . The screenings are also hosted by Auburn\'s chapters of the National Student Speech-Language Hearing Association and the Student Academy of Audiology. The screenings will assess the following for children and adults:...

Speech, Language, & Hearing Screening

Haley Center - Room 1199

The Auburn University National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association and Student Academy of Audiology will hold a free speech\, language\, and hearing screening. No appointment is necessary. The tests will assess articulation\, receptive language\, expressive language\, cognition\, voice quality\, fluency\, and hearing. All children must be accompanied by a parent...

Speech, Language, & Hearing Screening

Haley Center - Room 1199

The Auburn University National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association and Student Academy of Audiology will hold a free speech\, language\, and hearing screening. No appointment is necessary. The tests will assess articulation\, receptive language\, expressive language\, cognition\, voice quality\, fluency\, and hearing. All children must be accompanied by a parent...

Speech, Language, & Hearing Screening

Haley Center - Room 1199

The Auburn University National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association and Student Academy of Audiology will hold a free speech\, language\, and hearing screening. No appointment is necessary. The tests will assess articulation\, receptive language\, expressive language\, cognition\, voice quality\, fluency\, and hearing. All children must be accompanied by a parent...

Speech & Hearing Screening

Haley Center - Room 1199

The Auburn University National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association and Student Academy of Audiology will hold a free speech and hearing screening. No appointment is necessary. The tests will assess articulation\, receptive language\, expressive language\, voice quality\, fluency\, and hearing. All children must be accompanied by a parent or...