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AU Leadership Series

Alumni Center

AU Leadership Series presents Leading with Purpose with Chris Richie Attend online or in-person: Early Registration: $129 (through March 12; applies to in-person only) Seats are limited! Early registration rate ends March 12th and applies to in-person only.


Staying Positive as a Family

Alumni Center

Mallory Lucier-Greer, a PhD alumni of Auburn University and clinical marriage and family therapist, has done research examining how stressors impact families and their members, from relocations and deployment for military families, to navigating co-parenting, and other situational stressors. She and her team identify leverage points to help families produce...

“Barry” Documentary Screening

Alumni Center

  \'Barry\' examines the early life and times of the 44th President of the United States of America — Barack Obama. Join for a lively and interactive discussion with popcorn and treats! For more information and to register for the MLK Celebration Week events\, go to <a href=\'\'></a>.

Economics of GMOs and the potential of CRISPR

Alumni Center

<div class=\'article_body\'> A University of California\, Berkeley\, economist will discuss the risks versus the benefits of genetically modifying foods and crops when he presents the Fall 2018 E.T. York Distinguished Lecture. David Zilberman\, agriculture and resource economics professor and chair at UC Berkeley\, will deliver his lecture\, “The economics of...

The Future of the Performing Arts at Auburn University

Alumni Center

Christopher J. Heacox serves as the inaugural executive director of the Jay and Susie Gogue Performing Arts Center at Auburn University\, which is slated to open in August 2019. As executive director\, Heacox leads the artistic and administrative functions of the Gogue Center by striving to bring in world-class performances...

George Petrie and the Auburn Creed

Alumni Center

All Auburn men and women are familiar with the iconic <em>Auburn Creed</em>\, but most know almost nothing about its mysterious origins and esteemed author. Mike Jernigan will introduce you to George Petrie\, who brought intercollegiate football and baseball to the plains 125 years ago with two 1892 contests against the University...

Reflections on Leadership

Alumni Center

Gen. Lloyd J. Austin is a retired U.S. Army general with nearly 41 years of military service. As the commander of U.S. Central Command from March 2013 through March 2016\, he was responsible for the 20-country Central Region that includes Iraq\, Syria\, Iran\, Yemen\, Afghanistan\, Pakistan\, Egypt and Saudi Arabia....

Getting Back to Our Roots: The Story of Auburn Foods

Alumni Center

Glenn Loughridge became Auburn University’s director of Campus Dining in 2012. A native of Clearwater\, Florida\, and a 1994 Auburn alumnus\, Loughridge works with the Auburn dining contractor\, student groups\, faculty\, and staff to create a campus dining experience that is dynamic and responsive to changes in dining needs and...

HDFS Internship and Professional Day

Alumni Center

The HDFS Internship and Professional Day is a career fair-style event where students meet with agency representatives to learn about internship and service learning opportunities.