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Jeffrey LaMondia – Faculty
Auburn University, Auburn, AL

Auburn faculty, Jeffrey LaMondia (left) and Jeffrey Fergus with their awards following the ceremony.
Jeff is Associate Professor of Transportation in the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering.
Jeff LaMondia is a leader in the field of sustainable transportation systems at Auburn University, in the local community, and at national and international scales.
He is a teacher, researcher, consultant, advocate, and trainer, all in the service of ensuring that, in the language of the National Complete Streets Coalition, “everyone, regardless of age, ability, income, race, or ethnicity, ought to have safe, comfortable, and convenient access to community destinations and public places–whether walking, driving, bicycling, or taking public transportation.”
Jeff teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in sustainable transportation engineering. In his traditional transportation engineering classes, Jeff goes beyond required technical highway standards to include educating future engineers on the importance of accommodating all roadway users in planning and design. His classes give students opportunities to work on real-world projects and work with local and national sustainable transportation leaders.
His research focuses on ways to create more sustainable transportation systems and understand pedestrian and cyclist behaviors so that communities can plan, design, and build walkable and bikeable infrastructure. He and his research group developed a design manual for the Alabama Department of Transportation for vulnerable road users, a ‘Complete Streets’ guidebook for Alabama, which will be used to incorporate safe walking and cycling infrastructure into roadways across our state.
As an advocate, Jeff seizes every opportunity to move transportation design thinking toward sustainability, engaging with policymakers in municipalities, at the state level, and at the Federal Highway Administration, urging the adoption of sustainability as good transportation policy. Jeff is Chair of the City of Auburn Bicycle Committee and serves on a City team to update the City’s Greenway Master Plan and Bike Master Plan.
Within his own college, Jeff advocates for integrating the principles and practices of sustainability into the curriculum and in the lives of students in general; and he encourages other faculty members to incorporate sustainability in their courses and projects as well.
Jeff has inspired many students to pursue careers in sustainable transportation engineering and planning, and has made a significant difference in making Auburn’s campus and the Auburn community more bicycle and pedestrian friendly.