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75th Anniversary Dean’s Forum & Alumni Social with Dr. Janaki Alavalapati

Auburn University will host a virtual Dean’s Forum and Alumni Social with Dr. Janaki Alavalapati on Thursday, February 17, as part of the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences’ 75th Anniversary Celebration. Dr. Janaki Alavalapati was appointed dean of the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences in 2015. Before that,...

Sustainability and Social Justice by Gary Machlis; Seminar Series

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

Join Auburn University's College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment for their 2024 Fall Seminar Series featuring Dr. Gary E. Machlis as he talks on sustainability and social justice. Key aspects from his new book Sustainability for the Forgotten will be covered followed by a book signing and meet & greet....

Minor in Tropical Conservation and Sustainable Development – Informational Presentation

Melton Student Center - Room 2227 Heisman Drive, Auburn, Alabama, United States

Interested in learning more about the 7-week study abroad in Costa Rica? Then this meeting is for you! Join the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, College of Agriculture, College of Science and Mathematics, and the University College Sustainability Studies in this meeting to learn how to earn a minor...