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Women’s Leadership Conference

Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center 241 S. College St., Auburn, AL

<p class=\'autodayp1\'>The Auburn University Women’s Center\, a division of the Office of Inclusion and Diversity\, will host its 11th annual Women’s Leadership Conference at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center.</p><p class=\'autodayp1\'>The conference\, with the theme “Be Bold\, Be Powerful\, Be You\,” will feature Heidi Durrow\, the New...

Unconscious Bias

Mell Classroom Building at Ralph B. Draughon Library - Room 2550

<h3>Howard Ross</h3><strong>Seminal thought leader on unconscious bias and founding partner of Cook Ross</strong> <div class=\'photo desktop_photo hidden-xs col-sm-3 pull-right\'><img src=\'\' alt=\'Photograph of Howard Ross\' /></div> Howard Ross is a lifelong social justice advocate and the founding partner of Cook Ross. He is considered one of the world’s seminal thought leaders...

Diverse Perspectives on Women Leaders

Auburn Arena

<div id=\'accordion\' class=\'panel-group hidden-xs\' role=\'tablist\' aria-multiselectable=\'true\'><div class=\'panel panel-default\'> <div id=\'event_bush\' class=\'panel-collapse collapse in\' role=\'tabpanel\'> <div class=\'panel-body\'> <div class=\'bio clearfix\'>   <div class=\'photo desktop_photo hidden-xs col-sm-3 pull-right\'><img class=\'alignleft\' src=\'\' alt=\'Photograph of Barbara Pierce Bush\' width=\'229\' height=\'306\' /></div> <h3>Barbara Pierce Bush</h3> <strong>CEO and cofounder\, Global Health Corps</strong> Barbara Pierce Bush cofounded Global...


Mell Classroom Building at Ralph B. Draughon Library - Room 2550

<div id=\'accordion\' class=\'panel-group hidden-xs\' role=\'tablist\' aria-multiselectable=\'true\'><div class=\'panel panel-default\'> <div id=\'event_sue\' class=\'panel-collapse collapse in\' role=\'tabpanel\' aria-expanded=\'true\'> <div class=\'panel-body\'> <div class=\'bio clearfix\'> <h3>Derald Wing Sue</h3> <strong>Best-selling author of critically acclaimed book\, <em>Microaggressions in Everyday Life</em></strong> <div class=\'photo desktop_photo hidden-xs col-sm-3 pull-right\'><img class=\'alignleft\' src=\'\' alt=\'Photograph of Derald Sue\' width=\'247\' height=\'330\' /></div> Derald Wing Sue...

Diverse Perspectives, Civil Discourse, and a Healthy Democracy

Student Center Ballroom

<div id=\'accordion\' class=\'panel-group hidden-xs\' role=\'tablist\' aria-multiselectable=\'true\'><div class=\'panel panel-default\'> <div id=\'event_brazilecompton\' class=\'panel-collapse collapse in\' role=\'tabpanel\' aria-expanded=\'true\'> <div class=\'panel-body\'> <div class=\'bio clearfix\'> <h3>Donna Brazile</h3> <strong>Veteran Democratic political strategist\, adjunct professor\, author\, and syndicated columnist</strong> <div class=\'photo desktop_photo hidden-xs col-sm-3 pull-right\'><img class=\'alignleft\' src=\'\' alt=\'Photograph of Donna Brazile\' width=\'266\' height=\'355\' /></div> Veteran Democratic political...

Diversity Best Practices Conference

Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center 241 S. College St., Auburn, AL

Auburn University\'s Office of Inclusion and Diversity is hosting the 2018 Diversity Best Practices Conference with the theme of “Accelerating Diversity in Dynamic Environments.” The conference will provide professionals and students with new approaches to promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives within their organizations. Bringing together scholars from diverse disciplines and...