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Vet Med to host Southeast Regional Diversity Matters Symposium

<div class='content_row'><div class='content_container'> <div class='article_head clearfix' role='banner'> <div class='article_social'> <div class='addthis_inline_share_toolbox_p86w' data-url='' data-title='Vet Med to host Southeast Regional Diversity Matters Symposium' data-description='The College of Veterinary Medicine will host the Southeast Regional Diversity Matters Symposiumand#8212;a biennial conference featuring topics related to diversity and inclusion in veterinary medicineand#8212;on Aug. 29. This yearand#8217;s...

Citation Management Workshop

Endnote allows participants piants to create and manage bibliographies, citations and references. Participants will learn to: <ul> <li>create and organize an EndNote library.</li> <li>add references to an EndNote library both manually and by using direct export.</li> <li>use the Groups function to organize references.</li> <li>insert and edit citations in a Word...

Productivity Software Workshop

LaTeX allows participants to create technical and scientific documents using mathematical expressions. Participants will learn: <ul> <li>how to set up a basic document in LaTeX.</li> <li>basic commands for equations and mathematical expressions used in LaTeX.</li> </ul> This workshop is led by Liza Weisbrod, music and government documents librarian. <a href=''>Wednesday,...

Mock Interview Days

Practice is a very important part of the interview and the job-seeking process. The University Career Center will host a two-day Mock Interview Day Sept. 8-9 from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. for all currently enrolled students at Auburn University. For Mock Interview Day, industry recruiters and employers are volunteering their time...

Local Archives

2020 and the Future of Alabama History: Local Archives. <a href=''>Co-sponsored by the Alabama Historical Association</a>. Featuring Felisha Anderson (Baldwin County Archives), Dr. Howard Robinson (Alabama State University Archives), and Marty Olliff (Wiregrass Archives at Troy University Dothan Campus). <a href=''>Link to watch</a>