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Science Supper

This talk will explain why ocean temperature increase can be severely detrimental for marine species,  specifically marine fishes. In addition, we will discuss some of the predicted responses that will be seen in upcoming decades, including fast acclimation to thermal increments. This talk will be in both English and Spanish.

Face Coverings Around the World

The Auburn University International Cultural Center in the Office of International Programs is offering a free lunch seminar, 'Face Coverings Around the World: Health, Cultural Attitudes and Symbolism in the Covid-19 Era,' as a part of the Window to Your World seminar series. The event is free and open to Auburn...

How We Vote & What It Means: Webinar

Join Kathleen Hale and Mitchell Brown from the Department of Political Science for the free webinar. Please register below for this panel discussion on voting in the United States with How We Vote authors Kathleen Hale and Mitchell Brown and Georgetown professors Hans Noel, Robert Patterson, and Diana Owen on...

Farm Journal Foundation Speaker Series

Students and faculty are invited to a University Speaker Series hosted by the Farm Journal Foundation and Auburn’s Hunger Solutions Institute. Each session will be moderated by renowned author and past UFWH Summit speaker, Roger Thurow. The first event will be, Level Setting: The Global Food Value Chain Transformed. The...

Suggested Deadline: Register to Vote

Various Locations

Some states close their voter registration period 30 days before the election.  To be sure you have time to register or update your registration in time for the 2020 General Election, it's suggested you do so by October 1 at the latest.

Black Alumni Panel: Online Event

Student Affairs is inviting Auburn students to attend the Black Alumni Panel. Regenia Sanders ’95, ’99 (Engineering), partner with Ernst & Young and president of the Auburn Alumni Association board of directors will serve as the moderator. Additional panelists will include Shirley Boulware ’91 (Engineering), recruiting manager, Georgia Pacific; Ronnie...

Cary Center Nonprofit Summit

<table width='100%'><tbody> <tr> <td> <table width='100%'> <tbody> <tr> <td width='600'> <table width='100%'> <tbody> <tr> <td>The theme for this year’s summit is “Putting Knowledge Into Action.” There will be two training tracks with a keynote session at 11:00 am CST featuring legendary football player, coach and leadership expert, Bill Curry, and philanthropist and writer Echo Garrett. Coach Bill Curry served as...

A Conversation with Richard Bailey

2020 and the Future of Alabama History: A Conversation with Richard Bailey Link to watch:

Be Green Packaging – Michael Newhouse – Virtual Event

The Sustainable Biomaterials and Packaging Society will be be virtually hosting a chat with Michael Newhouse of <a href=''>Be Green Packaging</a>. Be Green Packaging (BGP) is a leading global manufacturer of compostable molded fiber packaging for a wide variety of consumer goods. Michael Newhouse is BGP's Director of Marketing, Ecommerce, and...

Hydroponic Vegetable Growing

This webinar is designed to be a primer for understanding what it takes to produce and sell hydroponically grown vegetables. Topics will include: Overview of Hydroponic Industry, Hydroponic Growing Systems, Understanding Fertilizers, Small-scale Hydroponic Production, and The Greenhouse Environment. Webinar will feature Extension Horticulture Professor, Dr. Jeremy Pickens as he...

Research Skills & Strategies Workshop

Participants will learn:<ul> <li>the specific steps used to complete a systematic review.</li> <li>how systematic reviews differ from other types of reviews.</li> <li>where to find additional resources and services to help with the systematic review process.</li> </ul> This workshop is led by Adelia Grabowsky, health sciences librarian. Register for a session:...

Suggested Deadline: Absentee Ballot Requested

Various Locations

Because it takes time for your absentee ballot application to be received and then for the ballot to reach you and for you to return your ballot, it is suggested you make the request for an absentee ballot no later than October 10.  This will help ensure you, the election...