This rap-punk-rock documentary tells the story of Iranian musician Shahin Najafi who is forced into hiding after hardline clerics issue a fatwa for his death\, incensed by a rap song that focuses on the oppression of women and human rights abuses. Shahin’s frantic escape leads to an impossible romance when he falls in love with the granddaughter of the first Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Their backgrounds make their relationship a modern-day Romeo and Juliet.
Advance registration is encouraged\, but not required. Reserve your spot <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\' rel=\'noopener noreferrer\'>here</a>.
This screening is part of the Jule Collins Smith Museum\'s participation in the Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers\, where by they bring contemporary filmmakers to meet with students and museum guests for a special screening of their film. Southern Circuit screenings are a program of South Arts and are funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.