Although most people are deathly afraid of spiders\, very few of the >40\,000 species known are actually dangerous to humans. While spiders can have complex venoms and incredible strategies for hunting prey\, they have a host of other amazing abilities. Did you know that spider silk is stronger than steel or that it can also be used to fly\, survive underwater\, and as safety lines for jumping nearly 50 times their body length?
Join COSAM at the very first Science Pub to learn from Dr. Jason Bond everything you ever wanted to know about spiders and more!
All ages are welcome to attend Science Pub events. Proceeds from the \'Drymarchon Berliner Weisse\' drink at Red Clay Brewery benefit the Alabama Natural Heritage Program at Auburn University and their efforts to conserve rare species in Alabama\, such as the Indigo snake. Sodas will also be available for purchase at the Science Pub location.
This is an extension of COSAM\'s normal “Science Café” program and will alternate\, typically every other month\, with the normal Science Café in Auburn. Alabama\,
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