<span style='font-weight: 400;'>Join the Office of Sustainability and the Longleaf Pine Stand Dynamics Laboratory in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences in planting trees to start a conversation about how climate change is directly related to an individual’s carbon footprint. Participants must wear closed-toed shoes and dress for the weather. Bring water, work gloves, and a shovel if you have one. Pizza provided! Students who require transportation should make arrangements with the <a href='mailto:sustain@auburn.edu'>Office of Sustainability</a>. <em><strong><a href='https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScSpoC83-NbNn_ECwzRTEq3IxoIO89fqF_sNbqptWfgTAejXQ/viewform?usp=sf_link' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Registration for this free event</a></strong></em> is open until January 19th. </span>