<span class=\'au_today_p\'>Join Birmingham Audubon and Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art for an evening celebration of early Alabama naturalist Phillip Henry Gosse\, with special guests Gary Mullen and Taylor Littleton\, authors of \'Phillip Henry Gosse: Science and Art in Letters from Alabama and Entomologia Alabamensis.\' This free\, public event begins with a book signing at 5 p.m.\, followed by a 6 p.m. talk by Mullen and Littleton on Gosse’s influential later monograph\, \'The Birds of Jamaica.\' A reception\, with additional opportunities for book signing and conversation\, begins at 7:15 p.m. </span>
<span class=\'au_today_p\'>V</span><span class=\'au_today_p\'>isitors are encouraged to come early for an opportunity to browse the museum’s exceptional holdings in American art including the Louise Hauss and David Brent Miller Audubon collection\, featuring prints by the great Franco-American artist-naturalist John James Audubon. </span><span class=\'au_today_p\'>. </span>
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