<span style='font-weight: 400;'>Kick off Earth Month in Auburn with the Office of Sustainability as they welcome the </span><a href='https://www.oscillationtransiafilmfestival.com/' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'><span style='font-weight: 400;'>Oscillation Transia Film Festival</span></a><span style='font-weight: 400;'> to campus. The film festival is a traveling non-profit event exploring the intersection of solar energy application and environmental awareness through the art of film. Combining the love for nature and outdoor cinema, Oscillation Transia screens works in outdoor and rural areas around the U.S. featuring films that explore both fictional and non-fictional themes of movement, nomadic living, adventure, and human connection to the natural world.</span>
<span style='font-weight: 400;'>For this unique screening, Oscillation Transia will feature a specially-curated compilation of films to help us celebrate the kick-off of Earth Month in Auburn – A 50th Anniversary Celebration. This screening will occur on Pebble Hill’s lawn if weather permits, otherwise the event will be held inside. For more information on this and other related events, please visit the</span><a href='http://sustain.auburn.eduability/earth-month/' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'> <span style='font-weight: 400;'>Earth Month in Auburn page</span></a><span style='font-weight: 400;'>.</span>
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