Register now for a three quarter of a mile hike by moonlight on Valentine’s Day at the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center! In today’s hyper connected world\, it can be refreshing to unplug and enjoy a romantic moonlit evening under the stars.
Join other couples for this interactive hike sharing sweet memories and making new ones. Ward off the chill of the evening with a campfire\, special desserts and entertainment. It is sure to be a fun night full of love and laughter. Bundle up\, wear sturdy shoes and bring a flashlight. Meet at the amphitheater for a unique romantic experience for you and your sweetheart!
Tickets are $25/couple. Must pre-register at Proceeds from this event go to support programs at KPNC. The event will be postponed if raining or below 35 degrees. Weather date is Friday\, February 17<sup>th</sup>. In the unlikely event of rain on both nights\, your fee will be considered a donation to KPNC.
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