City of Auburn Tree Commission and Chewacla State Park need your help to remove invasive plants!
The City of Auburn invites volunteers to gather for an invasive plant removal day along the Charlotte and Curtis Ward Bike Trail, adjacent to Shell Toomer Parkway at the entrance to Chewacla State Park.
To spread awareness about how to identify and remove invasive plants, the City of Auburn Tree Commission has partnered with the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and Chewacla State Park to host an invasive plant removal day. Volunteers will work alongside trained park staff and Tree Commission members to learn to identify and properly remove common invasives including privet, elaeagnus, Callery pear, chinaberry, mimosa and other common problem plants.
Volunteers should meet at the parking area at the intersection of Wrights Mill Road and Shell Toomer Parkway. Work will begin at 8 am and continue until noon. Volunteers should wear long pants, closed-toe shoes, and gloves. Extra tools will be provided, but volunteers are encouraged to bring pruners, lopping shears, and small pruning saws if available. This project is open to volunteers big and small; kids are welcome to come help out!
We request that you volunteer ahead of time, however registration day of is accepted as well.