Environmental Services will host its biannual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day; Auburn residents are invited to drop off up to 20 pounds of hazardous waste not accepted in regular garbage and trash collection. Computers and electronics will be accepted as well as paper documents for secure, on-site shredding. Residents may bring up to 20 pounds of material per household for disposal at no charge. A list of acceptable materials can be found <a href='https://www.auburnalabama.org/environmental-services/household-hazardous-waste-collection-day/'>here</a>. Participation is limited to Auburn residents, and proof of residency can be shown by bringing a recent water bill.
<strong>Please note:</strong> To help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, those participating in the event are asked to register ahead of time by filling out this <a href='http://auburnalabama.org/HHW'>form</a>. The day of the event, participants should load the materials they wish to drop off in the trunk or rear of their vehicle. Once arriving at the Environmental Services Complex, workers will remove the materials from vehicles. They will be protected with face masks, face shields, gloves, and other gear. Participants are asked to stay in their vehicle and leave windows rolled up until instructed to do otherwise.