Join SCPS’s Alyssa Clements-Hickman in learning about food for your mood. Participants will learn basic recipes incorporating foods proven to boost people’s moods. This activity is one to eat up!<div class='et_pb_row et_pb_row_10'>
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<p class='p2'>Join the clinicians of SCPS for tips and tricks to become more relaxed and less stressed during the pandemic. <strong>These weekly activities are virtual gatherings that will increase connectedness, bolster self-care knowledge, and most importantly, emphasize having some fun!</strong></p>
<p class='p2'>All activities run for six straight weeks and occur weekdays at 1 PM, CST. These are not counseling sessions. Anyone wanting or needing assistance from a counselor should contact the SCPS on-call clinician at 334-844-5123. For more information about SCPS services, including to access COVID-19 coping information, online workshops, and other coping skills.</p>
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