EV owners from around Alabama will gather in person to showcase their personal electric vehicles and answer your questions on the range, driving experience, low maintenance, cost, and more. Sit in the driver’s seat of one of the many displayed models of EVs (possibly including Teslas, GM Bolt, Ford Mustang, Nissan Leaf, and more) and see what all the EV hype is about. EVs are fun and practical vehicles…. come see why!
This year we will not only be showcasing electric cars, but also e-scooters and e-bikes, and the SAE formula team’s electric racecar!
The EVent is FREE to the public and brought to you by the Drive Electric Alabama Chapter, the Alabama Clean Fuels Coalition, The City of Auburn, Energy Alabama, Alabama Power, Auburn University Office of Parking Services, The Office of Sustainability, and Siemens EV Charging Team. Come kick the tires on the many electric vehicles and talk with actual owners.
Please register to attend or showcase your EV at this event.
Directions Below:
The parking lot is located on Woodfield Drive between S. Donahue and S. College. Follow the photo below, or use online directions via google maps.
Do not navigate to the GPAC building, we are in the parking lot of the Gogue Center!