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Facilities Management will hold a document shredding day. Departments must drop off materials to be shredded to be accepted. Participating departments will be billed $3 per box for shredding and a labor fee if pick-up is needed. Submit a work order for pick-up by calling Work Management at 844-4357. An approved <a href=\'http://auburn.edu/administration/facilities/organization/operations/campus-services/recycling/document-shredding-guidelines/Certificate%20of%20Records%20Destruction_Revised_2018.pdf\'>Certificate of Records Destruction</a> form is required for all shredding and must be submitted at least 72 hours before the scheduled shredding date. More information is available <a href=\'http://auburn.edu/administration/facilities/organization/operations/campus-services/recycling/doc-shred.html\'>online</a>. Contact the Waste Reduction and Recycling Department at 844-9461 or <a href=\'mailto:aureuse@auburn.edu\'>email</a> with any questions.
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