Join the Auburn University Community and Civic Engagement Initiative in the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) for this one-day symposium as a presenter or audience member. Presentations will be highlighted by keynote speaker and prominent civil rights activist\, Dr. Bernard Lafayette.
As part of the CLA Diversity Initiative\, faculty\, undergraduate students\, and graduate students are invited to present formal or informal papers\, posters\, or research projects relating to diversity issues and awareness. This is a wonderful opportunity for faculty and students representing different departments and colleges at Auburn University to come together\, share their passion for the field\, add to their curricula vitae\, and learn about the diversity research that is being conducted on campus.
Areas of study presented may include (but are not limited to): cultural variables\, race relations\, women\'s issues\, accessibility and disability services and initiatives\, community outreach\, multicultural competency\, governmental initiatives to improve diversity\, the history of diversity issues\, etc. Participants should propose research that explores points of collaboration\, conflict\, influence\, and reinvention of the many factors related to diversity.
This symposium will create the opportunity to collaborate and raise awareness of these important issues and is free and open to all Auburn University students and faculty. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Presentation proposals/registrations are due by October 5\, 2018. For questions\, contact <a href=\'\'>Dr. Giovanna Summerfield</a> or <a href=\'\'>LaJae Coleman</a>.
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