Auburn\'s Green Action Information Network (GAIN) is hosting \'For the Love of Science ~ A Climate Awareness Walk\' this coming Earth Day to celebrate and educate with a walk\, a picnic\, and some factually fun talks about \'Science\, the Climate\, the Earth and You.\'
There will be a walk through down to Toomer\'s Corner and back\, followed by a community picnic. Guests are encouraged to bring their own food and drink. They may also brings signs made from recycled cardboard. At the picnic there will be talks\, tables and booths from different local and state environmental groups set up for education and action. There will be a table with scientists who will answer questions about all things science (related to their field of expertise).
This family-friendly event with have an activity area for children in the \'Kid\'s Corner\' by the \'Hugging Tree.\' Jennifer Lolley the Curator of the Louise Kreher Forest Ecology Nature Preserve\, and the Forest Friends Team will be bringing a few animal friends from the preserve\, along with eco-games and other nature based activities.
If you would like to volunteer for the event or to contribute in another way\, please contact the organizers at or find them on <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'>Facebook</a>.