Auburn University offers many opportunities to engage in sustainability-related activities. You can volunteer for a cause you are passionate about, join in on abundant learning opportunities, participate in health and wellness initiatives, and more. There is something for everyone!
Opportunities |

- Who Can Volunteer: Students
- Consistently serves with multiple nonprofit partners throughout the year and offers a variety of volunteer opportunities that can work around student schedules.
- Visit IMPACT’s AUinvolve page to learn more and get connected.
- Email:
- Instagram: Impact’s Instagram
- Facebook: Impact – Auburn on Facebook

Auburn Gives Back
- Who Can Volunteer: Students
- Encourages students to register for volunteer opportunities, give back, and track their service by utilizing GivePulse, Auburn’s online volunteer platform.
- Visit the website to learn more
- Email:
- Instagram: @auburngivesback Instagram

Campus Kitchens Projects
- Who Can Volunteer: Students, Anyone
- One-time or ongoing opportunities exist to help recover unserved food from campus dining venues; package it into nutritious meals; and/or deliver to community members who face food insecurity.
- Visit The Campus Kitchen at Auburn University website for volunteering opportunities, schedules, and to get connected.
- Twitter: @ckp_auburn Twitter
- Facebook: The Campus Kitchen at Auburn University Facebook

Community Garden
- Who Can Get a Plot: Students, Anyone in Auburn or Opelika
- The Auburn University Community Garden is maintained as an educational and community service to Auburn University. Individual plots of varying size are available to rent for a nominal fee each year.
- Visit the Community Garden website for plot sizes, garden history, volunteer opportunities, and how to get involved.
- Facebook: The Community Garden at Auburn University Facebook

Waste Reduction and Recycling Department
- Who Can Volunteer: Students, Anyone
- Provides waste reduction opportunities and quality recycling services.
- Opportunities to assist with Game Day Recycling, labeling recycling bins, or working at East Alabama Recycling Partnership events.
- Visit the Waste Reduction and Recycling Department website to learn more about recycling at Auburn University.
- Email:
- Twitter: AU_Recycles Twitter
- Facebook: auburnuniversityrecycles Facebook

Museum of Natural History
- Who Can Volunteer: Students, Anyone
- Conducts biodiversity research, preserves & documents biodiversity, & leads & promotes activities related to natural history education.
- Opportunities to assist with maintenance and use of museum’s collections.
- Visit their Museum of Natural History Facebook page to learn more about the museum and how to volunteer.

Health Promotion & Wellness Services
- Who Can Participate: Students, Anyone
- Provides health services and education to the Auburn community, including mental, sexual, emotional, and physical health.
- Opportunities to engage with the BeWell Hut, We.Auburn, Auburn Recovery Community, QPR, and more.
- Visit the Health Promotion and Wellness website to learn more about their programming and engagement opportunities.
- Email:
- Twitter: AuburnHealth Twitter
- Instagram: AuburnHealth Instagram

Student Organizations
- Who Can Join: Students
- Visit our Student Groups page to learn about student organizations on campus exploring issues related to sustainability.
- Search the Organizations Directory to find a complete listing of official student organizations at Auburn.

University Committees
- Who Can Join: Employees of Auburn University
- Various committees and councils for employees to get involved with depending on their employment position, including University Committees, Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and the Administrative & Professional Assembly

Green Labs at AU
- Who Can Participate: Laboratory Employees at Auburn University
- Participants can learn more about green labs and then implement strategies in their lab spaces. Opportunities also exist to help with the Green Labs at AU program development.
- Visit to learn more and sign-up for updates.

Louise Kreher Forest Ecology Preserve
- Who Can Volunteer: Anyone
- Internship Opportunities: Students
- Provides programs, experiences, nature trails, and natural habitats for education, study, and relaxation, while creating an atmosphere of discovery and stewardship toward our natural world.
- Visit their Kreher Preserve and Nature Center website for events and volunteering opportunities.
- Email:
- Twitter: AuburnPreserve Twitter
- Facebook: AuburnPreserve Facebook

Recreation and Wellness Center
- Who Can Participate: Students, Employees
- Motivate and inspire the Auburn University community to safely participate in activities that lead to positive interaction with others, an active and healthy lifestyle, and a lifelong commitment to wellness.
- Their Recreation and Wellness Center website has links to Auburn Outdoors and other wellness and fitness information.
- Email:
- Twitter: CampusRecAU Twitter
- Facebook: auburncampusrec Facebook

Alabama Water Watch
- Who Can Participate: Students, Employees, Anyone
- Citizen volunteer, water quality monitoring program covering all of the major river basins in Alabama.
- Visit to learn more about their work and how to volunteer.
- Email:
- Facebook: ALWaterWatch Facebook

O Grows
- Who Can Participate: Students, Employees, Anyone
- As an effort in localism, Opelika Grows seeks to model an approach to civic engagement that relies on local capital and capacity to address local needs. School reform, hunger relief and city beautification are not specific to any one city but every city has the potential to leverage the learning potential of gardens in service of community need.
- Volunteers are needed to help with all or part of the summer Farmer’s Market (Tuesdays between 1pm-7pm from mid-May to late-August), and can also be used in community/school gardens.
- Visit the OpelikaGrows Facebook to learn more about the program and for additional contact information.

Healthy Tigers
- Who Can Participate: Employees
- Engages employees to be more conscientious about their health and encourages habits and behaviors that result in healthier and more balanced lives.
- Visit the Healthy Tigers website for more on wellness initiatives and learn how to save on your health insurance premiums.
- Email:
- Twitter: OneHealthyTiger Twitter
- Facebook: HealthyTigers Facebook

Learning Communities
- Who Can Participate: First-Year Students
- Comprised of 25 students who are co-enrolled in three core courses in a particular theme or interest.
- Many majors have learning communities, in addition there are interdisciplinary learning communities.
- Visit the Learning Communities website for more information.
- Email:
- Facebook: LearningCommunitiesOfAuburnUniversity Facebook

Sustainability Auburn Alumni Affiliate (S3A)
- Who Can Participate: Auburn Alumni and Students
- An inclusive community with a vision to connect and equip members of the Auburn University family and partners in support of their efforts to create a positive impact and to engage and empower a community that will catalyze and extend Auburn University’s commitments through all points of this compass.
- Interested students and alumni can join by filling out the Membership Form.
- Email:
- Facebook: Sustainability AU Affiliates
- LinkedIn: Sustainability Auburn Alumni Affiliate

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
- Who Can Participate: Anyone 50+
- Membership program for learning designed for senior adults.
- Visit their Osher Lifelong Learning Institute website for info on courses and upcoming events.
- Email:
- Facebook: OLLIatAuburn Facebook

Spirit of Sustainability Awards
- Who is Eligible: Students, Employees, and Alumni
- Recognizes those that exemplify the Auburn spirit by making significant contributions toward sustainability on campus or in a community.
- Visit the Spirit of Sustainability Awards website to read stories of past recipients, and to learn about selection criteria and the nomination process.
- Email:
- Twitter: AUsustain Twitter
- Facebook: AUSustain Facebook