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Sustainability and Social Justice by Gary Machlis; Seminar Series

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

Join Auburn University's College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment for their 2024 Fall Seminar Series featuring Dr. Gary E. Machlis as he talks on sustainability and social justice. Key aspects from his new book Sustainability for the Forgotten will be covered followed by a book signing and meet & greet....

Current Status and Future of the Cross-Laminated Timber Industry: A Panel Discussion & Reception

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

The panel discussion explores the outlook and future status of the cross-laminated timber industry. Industry stakeholders, faculty, students, and members of the public are welcome to attend. Cross-laminated timber, or CLT, is a prefabricated wood panel made from wood stacked and glued crosswise in alternating directions to create pressed layers....

Public Opinion, Partisan Politics, & Environmental Policy in the U.S.

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

Despite rising public concern about climate change and public responsiveness to climate signals, governments around the world have struggled to pass and implement climate policies. This is exacerbated in the United States, where rising partisan polarization over climate change--and environmental protection more broadly--has made climate policy enactment exceedingly difficult. Today,...

“Integrating Science and Policy for Environmental Decision Making”

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

Auburn University’s Weaver Lecture Series will present a talk by Richard Pouyat\, renowned scientist and national policy advisor immediately followed by a graduate research symposium and reception at 4:15 p.m. at the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. His lecture\, “Integrating Science and Policy for Environmental Decision Making\,” will cover...

“Understanding Conservation: Responsible Commercial Use of Natural Resources”

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

<div class=\'article_body\'> Tony Schoonen\, chief of staff of the renowned wildlife conservation organization\, Boone and Crockett Club\, will visit Auburn University to present a seminar. Schoonen’s talk\, “Understanding Conservation: Responsible Commercial Use of Natural Resources\,” will explore the principles of wildlife conservation and the sustainable and ethical use of natural...

Health at the human-animal-environment interface: Tracing pathogens from land to sea

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

<div class=\'page\' title=\'Page 13\'><div class=\'layoutArea\'> <div class=\'column\'> Dr. Liz Van Wormer\, Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences will discuss her research focused on diverse health issues at the interface of humans\, animals (both domestic and wild)\, and the environment in the...

A Rising Tide: Water Challenges in the Mid-Atlanic Propel Scholarship, Research, and Engagement

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

<div>Dr. Stephen Schoenholtz\, professor of forest hydrology and soils\, of the Virginia Tech College of Natural Resources and Environment will give a talk for students\, professionals and faculty who wish to learn about best practices\, current research\, and trends impacting their respective fields or areas of study. He will present his...

Moving Toward a Sustainable Bio-based Economy

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

Participate in this informative panel discussion where we will learn more about Alabama’s position as the leader in the bio-based economy through research and development of forest bio-based products such as cross-laminated timber and structural products\, bio-energy and chemicals\, nanocellulose\, and packaging. Panelists: Packaging: Marko Hakovirta\, Department Head of Forest...

Auburn Women in Forestry, Wildlife and Natural Resources Luncheon

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

<span class=\'au_today_p\'>The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences will join Auburn University’s 125 Years of Auburn Women celebration by hosting a panel discussion luncheon to honor 45 years of Auburn women in Forestry\, Wildlife and Natural Resources.</span> <span class=\'au_today_p\'>The luncheon will celebrate the positive and critical role of women in...

Brilliance without Choices & Choices without Brilliance: Adaptation & Development

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

Understanding the role of adaptation in development is a longstanding pursuit\, recently made more poignant by events such as climate change.  Among the debates regarding adaptation is whether \'bottom-up\' or \'top-down\' approaches best facilitate adaptation & development.  Bottom-up approaches may suffer from brilliance without choices while top-down approaches may suffer...

Impacts of Human Activities on the Global Nitrogen Cycle Through the 21st Century

School of Forestry and Wildlife Science - Room 1101 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, AL, United States

<p class=\'au_today_p\'>The Auburn School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences will present the final lecture of the 2017 Weaver Lecture Series. The lecture will feature David Fowler\, Professor at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology\, Edinburgh\, United Kingdom.</p><p class=\'au_today_p\'>Fowler\'s talk will discuss the efficacy of the Earth’s ecosystems\, atmosphere and oceans...