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Careers in the United Nations Seminar

Student Center Room 2222

The Office of International Programs is holding a discussion on the various options for and realities of working with the United Nations (UN) during a free lunch seminar. Douglas Coutts\, distinguished visiting professor and retired diplomat in residence\, spent 30 years working for the UN in various capacities. His most...

International Culture Café

Foy Hall Lobby 282 W Thach Concourse, Auburn, AL, United States

Come to relax and chat over coffee\, beverages and snacks from all over the world with students\, faculty\, staff and community members from diverse countries. The cafe offers an informal and relaxed forum for cultural expression and education.  On each occasion the food and beverages will pertain to a specific country\,...

International Culture Café Canada Highlight

Foy Hall Lobby 282 W Thach Concourse, Auburn, AL, United States

The Auburn University International Cultural Center in the Office of International Programs dedicates each year to the study of a particular country or region to introduce the Auburn community to the rich variety of cultures around the globe. The 2018-19 academic year is the Year of Canada. “The Year of...

Window to Your World Lunch

Student Center Room 2222

The International Cultural Center is hosting the Window to Your World lunch seminar in 2222 Student Center. The seminar will feature a panel discussion on topics relating to Canada\, including Canadian immigration policies.<div class=\'article_body\'> The Auburn University International Cultural Center in the Office of International Programs dedicates each year to...

Study Abroad Fair

Student Center Ballroom

Tour the world of international opportunities at the Study Abroad Fair. Students who are interested in studying and/or interning abroad should make plans to attend the event. Because the event is being held on Halloween\, the first 500 attendees will receive a trick-or-treat bag. “The Study Abroad Fair provides students...