Join Human Resources for the annual Auburn University Employee Benefits Fair. This event offers a “one-stop shop” for AU employees and their spouses/sponsored adult dependents who seek information about the University’s health insurance\, retirement plans\, and wellness opportunities. Representatives from more than a dozen vendors will share information about the many benefits that are available to full-time employees along with benefit updates for 2018. They will also answer questions and provide one-on-one consultations as requested. Vendors for this year’s fair include: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama\, American Behavioral\, Superior Vision\, Johnson & Sterling\, WageWorks\, Standard Insurance\, VALIC\, Fidelity\, TIAA\, Lincoln Financial\, Teachers’ Retirement System\, Healthy Tigers\, and Campus Recreation<strong>.</strong> Attendees should also bring the event postcard that they received in campus mail\, along with their Auburn University ID\, to register for prizes.