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NUTRITION CHECK-IN: Your Journey to Health & Wellbeing

Auburn Employees will join Olympian Reita Clanton and Dr. Ford Dyke from the School of Kinesiology for this virtual Nutrition Check-In as a follow-up to the Nutrition Seminar of the spring 2023 Sustainability Speaker Series titled: Your Journey to Health & Wellbeing. The virtual check-ins function as touchstones to share,…
December 1, 2022

NUTRITION SEMINAR: Your Journey to Health & Wellbeing

Auburn Employees will join Olympian Reita Clanton and Dr. Ford Dyke from the School of Kinesiology as they facilitate, guide, and empower them through hands-on activities and techniques to build self-awareness around nutrition.  This in-person nutrition seminar is the third seminar in the spring 2023 Sustainability Speaker Series titled: Your…
December 1, 2022

Diabetes Walk

The Diabetes Walk is a partnership of the Auburn University Student Dietetic Association (SDA) and the Diabetes and Nutrition Center (DANC) of East Alabama Medical Center. As many are familiar with the high price of insulin for those with diabetes, the price and quality of life associated with the need for constant glucose…
April 6, 2022
Guest PostsUpdates

Tailgating with a Purpose

Post contributed by Onikia Brown, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Alabama Cooperative Extension Program Alabama Cooperative Extension Program “Hut 1, hut 2, hut 3…HIKE!” We play, we watch, we eat…..FOOTBALL! During football season, many of us spend 2-5 days watching football. Here is the football schedule for our favorite players…
October 24, 2017
Guest PostsUpdates

A Healthier You the Whole Year Through

Post contributed by Onikia N. Brown, Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist, College of Human Sciences, Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Hospitality Management As we enter into a new year many of us are deciding ways to be healthier. For some, this means eating healthier, for others, it means getting more…
January 5, 2017